Many people feel self-conscious when their jaw line starts to disappear into sagging skin and jowls as the skin and muscle becomes loose with the effects of age, gravity, weight loss, or genetics. The neck lift is performed under intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. The incision in the traditional neck lift is made in the hairline and goes around the ear. A limited neck lift incision may be made only around ear with a shorter incision—its just depends on the amount of rejuvenation required to achieve your desired results.
Ideal candidates for the neck lift are in good mental and physical health, non-smokers, with realistic expectations and positive outlook. The neck lift can reduce excess neck skin, fatty deposits, and jowls to create a more youthful, contoured jawline. In some cases the neck lift may be performed in combination with other procedures, most commonly the facelift. If you are interested in learning more about this procedure and to find out if it may be right for you, contact our office to schedule your consultation today.